
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
The Lincolncast Episode 61 - Life on the Edge
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
Tuesday Feb 11, 2014
The Edge of the Mists WvW map is here! Thurb, Shin, and Squiddel sit down to discuss the new map, and the satisfaction that comes with knocking people off of it. We also discuss the detective work involved with this patch, and make some predictions that may or may not have come true since we recorded this before the upcoming patch was announced.
- All the Awesome Games Done Quick links (including the Super Metroid Race) can be found over here
- There is a new awesome metal podcast featuring Shinboy and Squiddel
- Squiddel needs help finding an IPA that he doesn't hate

Thursday Feb 06, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 27 - Renting Fantasy
Thursday Feb 06, 2014
Thursday Feb 06, 2014
Since Cynic was not around for our previous JRPG discussion, he gets in on the fun this time around. We also learn that turns are super important, that forgetting to pay rent can start a war, and that in a zombie invasion, walls are your worst enemy. Have a listen!
- PC Gamer covers the recent massive battle in EVE Online
- This man really regrets backing the Ouya
- Use Patreon to support all kinds of artists
- The Giantbomb crew have been playing Dark Souls and Demon's Souls as of late
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xycnv87N_BU

Saturday Feb 01, 2014
The Lincolncast Episode 60 - The Edge of our Misty Bossfights
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Thurbleton, Shinboy, and Squiddle talk Guild Wars 2 boss fights, the upcoming release of the world vs world Edge of the Mists map, and recount a few stories of WvW past and toss some theories about the future of the game. Enjoy!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 26 - Real Talk
Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
Wednesday Jan 29, 2014
This week's show is more "laid back" as Thurb put it, with the discussion topics ranging from dealing with loss to everyone's "black sparrow of time" to straight up depression. You know, lighthearted stuff. Oh, also some video games.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
The Lincolncast Episode 59 - Marionette Theater
Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
Wednesday Jan 22, 2014
After about a month of non-GW2 related discussion, the Living Story has picked back up, and so has The Lincolncast! Shin, Thurb, and Squiddel sit down to discuss the newest update, as well as the world events that come with it. Squiddel and Shin then share some stories that may or may not involve adult beverages, while Thurb discusses the enigma that is Dave Lang.
- Colin Johanson & Mike Zadorojny of ArenaNet did a really interesting interview with Eurogamer.
- Fellow Lincoln Force member Blitz took some screenshots of Scarlet's hideout and decided to share on r/GuildWars2
- Squiddel should buy a 3DS
- Dave Lang
- But Anet said the nightmare was over!

Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 25 - Japan...in 3D!
Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
Wednesday Jan 15, 2014
It is still the relative calm before the 2014 release storm, so we sit back and talk about both the recent and the not-so-recent games we have been playing. Shin has taken a liking to Japan, specifically Japan in a whole three dimensions, while Thurb has finally beaten Spelunky and my be beaten by a different kind of Enemy. Squiddle joins as well, and talks about an upcoming weekend that has forced his hand into making some Unreal purchasing decisions. Enjoy!
- You can follow us all on twitter!
- Music Plugs!
- Blind Guardian's A Night at the Opera
- Styx's Pieces of Eight
- Squiddle is going to FadeCon, so say hi!
- Thurb likes Black Blood of the Earth. It sounds like a bad metal band, but it is in fact coffee for crazy people!

Monday Jan 06, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 24 - New Year's Yarns
Monday Jan 06, 2014
Monday Jan 06, 2014
We sit around for our first podcast of 2014 with not much gaming stuff to talk about at all - so suffice to say that this episode is a glorious train wreck. Expect fireworks, blackouts, GUNs, (near)eroge, bows, board games and maybe even some video games. Grab a bottle of something, warm up some cheap party pies and sit back - you're in for a ride.
- gamesdonequick.com - a Speed Run charity marathon! Check it out!
- The War That Ended Peace by Margaret MacMillan
- boardgamegeek.com is an awesome resource for boardgames!
- Misanthrope by Brian Altano is a great album (also, you should buy your music on Vinyl ~ Squiddle)
- Simple PVC Pipe Bows: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Forming PVC Pipe into Effective and Compact Archery Bows by Nicholas Tomihama
- Squiddle is @mrsquiddel on twitter

Monday Dec 30, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 23 - 2013 Game of the Year
Monday Dec 30, 2013
Monday Dec 30, 2013
In the last days of 2013 before the robot uprising of 2014 Thurbleton, Shinboy, Dourin, and Squiddle talk about their 10 favorite games of the year then have a knife fight over which should be named the top 3. Enjoy!

Saturday Dec 28, 2013
Cynic's Musical GOTY 2013 Thing
Saturday Dec 28, 2013
Saturday Dec 28, 2013
Not being able to make the actual GOTY deliberations this year, I decided to record something to be chucked onto the end of that episode. After thinking about it, 45 mins of me just talking into a microphone would be boring to everyone so I added music. Then, well, I went overboard and it ended up 2 hours long.

Tuesday Dec 24, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode - The Twenty Second 22
Tuesday Dec 24, 2013
Tuesday Dec 24, 2013
Thurb, Shinboy, Dourin, and Squiddle sit down to talk about such things as pirate themed games, indie games, and games we've bought on the winter sale. Rounding out the show Shinboy and Squiddle share there music picks of the year and then some plugs. Enjoy!
- Shinboy wants to play an old J-RPG - https://twitter.com/matt_leslie35
- Dourin likes Rogue Galaxy on the PS2
- Squiddle will be at FadeCon in Dallas, Texas - http://fadecon.org/
- Thurble thinks you should check out the Ludum Dare - http://www.ludumdare.com/
- Also, Steam sale... and Humble Store