
Saturday May 12, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 3: PvP!
Saturday May 12, 2012
Saturday May 12, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 3 for the week of May 11th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast [Audio Only]. Intro music: “Zombie Nation” by Jose Travieso via Creative Commons License Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin, RobbieMac, Rawson, Shinboy630 Run time: 1:45:44 Topics: A Discussion of Guild Wars 2 PvP
- Structured PvP
- WvW (vW)
- Our thoughts on both, how they work, what we'd like to see changed.

Sunday May 06, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 2: (More) Beta Impressions
Sunday May 06, 2012
Sunday May 06, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 2 for the week of May 5th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. Intro music: “Zombie Nation” by Jose Travieso via Creative Commons License Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Chavtheworld , Tarkhein Run time: 2:53:00 Topics: A deeper look into the first BWE, including...
- Personal Stories
- Voice acting and cinematics
- Tyria in GW2 (immersion and overall feel)
- Dynamic Events and their effect on the world
- Levelling Up
- Class Balance and pets
- Overall impressions and our ratings of the game thus far
- What we want to see from the next beta and release

Friday Apr 27, 2012
The Missing Episode 1: Beta Impressions
Friday Apr 27, 2012
Friday Apr 27, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 1 for the week of April 27th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. Check out the link below! http://www.giantbomb.com/guild-wars-2/61-21223/the-lincolncast-podcast-is-born/35-545022/#1 ----------------------- Featured Guild Members: selfconfessedcynic , Chavtheworld , Tarkhein Guests: Dragannia Run time: 1:42:25 Topics: The first BWE, including...
- Character Creation
- The starting areas
- Our experiences with the beta thus far
- Issues
- Overall impressions of GW2