
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 14: Olympic Edition
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 14 for the week of July 27th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. We get competitive in this week's show, talking about our experiences in BWE3 including how Dourin and I got won over by Structured PvP, my recent financial investments to make me an "expert MMO gamer" and finishing off with how "Asurable" the Asura are and how easily a particular Fire Elemental totally stomps them. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Rawson , Tarkhein Run time: 2:36:55 Topics for the week:
- The Olympics are on!? Rihanna is in Saints Row 3!? and other off topic stuff for about 20 mins (so back to the usual)
- We do PvP impressions FIRST this week - crazy, huh?
- Oh, and we like it
- I talk about my keybindings vision-quest, then join Dourin in plugging products by a company we are in no way associated with. No, really.
- The Sylvari are pretty cool guys - but not Asurable.
- Asurable? Adorable + Asura. I hate myself and everything to do with this show (mostly ZoomyRamen though).
- We end the show after chatting about the difficulty of bosses in GW2 - including my experiences with two of the new zone bosses.
- Watch Episode 13 (our live stream archive) on http://www.youtube.com/TheLincolncast
- Check out Dourin's gaming coverage at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Sunday Jul 15, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 12: Endgame
Sunday Jul 15, 2012
Sunday Jul 15, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 11 for the week of July 14th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. This week is a news heavy edition with plenty of announcements to talk about. We cover the playable races, vistas and PvE difficulty changes then cap off with a main discussion regarding what we now know about the endgame of GW2 . Oh, and we’re doing it live later this week (see the notes below). Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , Dourin , Tarkhein, Shinboy630 , Mageknight Run time: 2:37:45 Topics for the week:
- We skip what we’ve been playing and launch right into last week’s Asura and Sylvari announcement, speculating as to whether they will wipe our existing characters.
- A general consensus is reached: We want the splash screen back (and chroma-hashes).
- Vistas seem cool.
- Early game has seen some changes, and we examine whether that is a good thing or not.
- Our main discussion kicks off – The End Game in Guild Wars 2 - with talk of how the game surprisingly does not end when you hit lvl 80.
- I really want a legendary rifle.
- 25 Dungeon Paths is smart marketing, but the 8 explorables still sound like hella fun.
- Meet me in the hidden cave at the full moon’s zenith. I’ll be there waiting for recipes.
- The structure of Orr (the final area) has been revealed and our reactions may surprise you.
- We announce our live show coming this week – Join us on www.twtch.tv/Dourin on Friday, at 9pm US Eastern (assuming you’re not futzing around in the beta).
- After the show we sit down and finally chat about what we’ve been playing along with some off-the-wall discussions about the gaming industry and its jargon.
- Be there for the live show on Friday 20th July, 9pm US Eastern! (at Dourin’s twitch.tv channel below)
- Check out Dourin's gaming coverage at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Shinboy also has a pretty nifty website at http://www.plugandplaygaming.com

Sunday Jul 08, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 11: Balance and Cash
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 11 for the week of July 7th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. On this week's show we discuss the up-coming balance changes to the engineer and other classes followed by a lengthy main topic: What is Arenanet going to do to make money off Guild Wars 2? Various facets are touched upon, including what is currently on the Gem Store, the British VAT crisis, our ideas for DLC timing and some interesting takes on possible pricing structures. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , Dourin , No0b0rAmA , ZoomyRamen , Mageknight Run time: 2:31:28 Topics for the week:
- We chat about what we've been playing to fill the time between now and release (including The Secret World and SWTOR)
- Noob diverts us into to the Jon Peters Guild Wars 2 hub interview (so GW2 discussion starts at 17:10)
- Mageknight seems surprisingly laid back about the whole Pet AI thing
- We reveal how little we currently know about the Engineer (with promises to play one come BWE3)
- The main topic of the week kicks off; "What is Arenanet going to do to make money off Guild Wars 2?" And we have a whole lot to say
- We roll through our dark desires for in-game purchases
- ZoomyRamen lays out what it's like to be British
- The extra character and bank slots seem like the way to go from the current crop of gem store items
- Noob comes up with a really cool idea for DLC plans if Anet does it
- Dourin blows my mind with an interesting pricing structure idea
- We round out with mixed reactions regarding what future expansions are likely to encompass.
- Check out Dourin's gaming coverage at, http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- I'd like to thank Rawson for his efforts in getting this show recorded

Sunday Jul 01, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 10: Release Date Ruminations
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 10 for the week of June 29th ...So. There was some news this week huh? Strap yourself in for a lean and mean podcast where we actually put thought to words and lay out what the release date really means to you and me, beyond the numbers and excitement. Also, we touch upon the stress test including (finally) some impressions of Ascalon Catacombs. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , Dourin , No0b0rAmA , Tarkhein Run time: 2:45:02 Topics for the week:
- Now that we've calmed down, we talk about our reactions to the release date using coherent sentences
- What are the strategic implications of Arenanet's chosen timing?
- With the final BWE announced, we discuss how the betas have been handled and how effective the process seems to have been
- We talk about our fears for issues which will most likely remain in the game come release
- We round out our announcement discussion with some good old speculation on what will be in the third beta
- Noob walks us through his run of Ascalon Catacombs and enlightens us upon balance and class dynamics in GW2
- And finally, we share stories of our experiences in the awesome Beta / Stress test ending events.
- Check out Dourin's gaming coverage at, http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- We'd like to wish a belated happy birthday to shinboy630 !

Sunday Jun 24, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 9: Stressed about Dyes
Sunday Jun 24, 2012
Sunday Jun 24, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 9 for the week of June 22nd This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. This week, we actually delve into some extensive discussion surrounding recent news. Who would have thought? After that, we get into some quick beta impressions, and are left with no time to talk about WvW (again) - perhaps next week? STAY TUNED. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Rawson , Tarkhein , EnchantedEcho Run time: 2:02:27 Topics for the week:
- Stress Test announced - some of us are excited, others are nonplussed
- We're generally "not happy" with Arenanet's changes to the Dye System
- SteelSeries announces GW2 peripherals to deafening silence
- Catching up on some missed news, Arenanet announced that they're adding an item previewer, and we're (shock) happy about it
- EnchantedEcho brings some new perspective to Structured PvP (and he's a bastard)
- Tarkhein talks GW2 not-zombies
- Check out EnchantedEcho's site, http://www.digitalgaudium.com/

Sunday Jun 17, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 8: BWE2 Impressions (Dungeoneering Edition)
Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Sunday Jun 17, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 8 for the week of June 15th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. This week, we're going back to our roots and doing a good old impressions-cast, bringing you our experiences from the second Beta Weekend Event, specifically those in PvE, structured PvP and Dungeons. Aside from a couple of technical hiccups, you're looking at a number of hours of us regaling you with what we did during the beta and what we felt about it - although we hint at eventually getting around to WvW and the ending-event, that'll be covered next week instead (spoiler: both were amazing). Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Rawson , Shinboy630 Run time: 3:11:15 Topics for the week:
- I go around the table on this one, so...
- Dourin tells a grand tale about dungeoneering in Guild Wars 2
- Noob0rAmA wants to be the very best (chef) like no one ever was (oh, and he attempted to do something called Ascalon Catacombs)
- Rawson hit up the Char starting area with his new Mesmer
- Shinboy pretty much did everything under the sun
- ...and finally, I have a serious beef with Anet regarding Structured PvP but continue my love affair with the Human starting areas.
- Check out Dourin's twitch channel it at www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Check out Shinboy's site, www.plugandplaygaming.com

Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 7: Doing it Live! (WvW Edition)
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 7 for the week of June 8th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. This week, we're doing something different and have a new Youtube channel. On here is the archive for our live podcast, streaming footage of our guild's exploits in WvW while talking about the latest Guild Wars 2 news and impressions (at the time). Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Dourin, selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Chavtheworld, ZoomyRamen Run time: 2:23:08 Topics for the week: Video;
- Watch Dourin at www.youtube.com/TheLincolncast as he joins members of Lincoln Force for some WvW action
- You'll be seeing see some smaller scale raids, but also some zerg action as the team takes on towers and keeps
- Prepare yourself for some serious(ly creepy) necromancer panty action in the underwater segments and a particularly hilarious falling-animation glitch.
- While he does that, the rest of this week's crew provide commentary and discussion on a number of topics
- Anet doubles the server count
- Check out the Mystic Forge in Lion's Arch
- GW2 Will most likely not be on Steam
- Tournament PvP is locked per data center
- Skill and condition property splitting is confirmed between PvE and PvP
- What do we think about the longevity of Dynamic Events?
- Do we want to see a spectator mode?
- Has Anet been successful in eliminating the cookie-cutter-build problem from past MMOs?
- We also have some contentious things to say about the skill and trait systems now we've had a chance to try them
- Check out Dourin's twitch channel it at www.twitch.tv/Dourin

Sunday Jun 03, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 6: Beta Recommendations and E3
Sunday Jun 03, 2012
Sunday Jun 03, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 6 for the week of June 1st This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. This week, we start with PvP news then move on to our recommendations for what to do in next week's Beta Weekend Event along with tips for guys who will be new to the whole Guild Wars 2 thing. Also, stick around after the show for some extended E3 discussion. Intro music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Dourin, selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Rawson, Shinboy630 Run time: 2:21:46 not including E3, 4:13:29 otherwise Topics:
- We make an exciting announcement regarding next week's show
- WvW Gets more awesome with Mini-Dungeons
- Structured PvP doesn't quite meet half the team's expectations... again
- What we recommend you check out for next week's beta
- Tips, tricks and game options which could be useful
- (After the show - What we're looking forward to at E3 and what we think will happen)

Sunday May 27, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 5: Leaks!
Sunday May 27, 2012
Sunday May 27, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 5 for the week of May 25th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. This week, we're talking about the recently leaked patch notes for the closed beta - you can read them at http://i.imgur.com/mYBht.png Intro music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Rawson, Tarkhein Run time: 1:36:26 Topics:
- We can now shout bunny advice to those interested
- I no longer have to click the skill bar (probably)
- Interface changes could fix some combat issues
- WvW(vW) gets more awesome
- "Imperialist England" is unlikely to be recreated in GW2
- ... and a whole bunch of others

Saturday May 19, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 4: Regular Programming?
Saturday May 19, 2012
Saturday May 19, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 4 for the week of May 18th This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. This week, we're introducing our regular crew and our regular format - and No0b0rAmA is hosting? Does everything go to hell? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT. Intro music: “Zombie Nation” by Jose Travieso via Creative Commons License Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin, Rawson Run time: 2:02:57 Topics:
- Fry's is the only place to get your release information
- Some story about a girl and her dog
- The inevitable name-hoarding gold rush
- Everyone gets stressed and No0b bluescreens
- We speculate wildly upon dates
- Listener feedback.