
Monday Oct 15, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 25: Sober
Monday Oct 15, 2012
Monday Oct 15, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 25 for the week of October 12th A special, short Dourin-hosted episode which covers the news this week while I (cynic) had to do some stuff for work. Probably a train wreck. Who knows. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Dourin , Aterangelus , Thurbleton Run time: 1:08:12 Topics for the week:
- Guild Wars 2 news and Vidya Gamez!
- The first half seems to be filled with Dishonoured, NBA and XCOM talk.
- After that I'm pretty sure Dourin and the gang chat about the recent patch notes, some recent security concerns and a mess of PvP announcements made last week.

Monday Oct 08, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 24: Bad Jokes
Monday Oct 08, 2012
Monday Oct 08, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 24 for the week of October 5th Episode 24 starts about as low as you can get and struggles to go upwards from there. Well, unless you like bad jokes, then it has two pretty unassailable highlights at least. Aside from that we talk about more patch notes, legendaries and herald a returning segment; The Great Guild Wars 2 Debate! The topic? Does GW2 have an endgame? (don't worry, the opposition puts up a fight) Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Shinboy630 Run time: 2:43:26 Topics for the week:
- It's episode 24, uno like... oh god. Please skip the first 20 mins to get to the GW2 stuff
- Another large patch, we're surprised though only somewhat impressed.
- Legendaries are now out in the wild, check out Shinboy's masterful storytelling and a whole lot of slobbering over Twilight.
- Finally, the second GW2 Great Debate hits: Does GW2 have an endgame?
- Topics discussed include the relative merits of GW2's "the endgame is the whole game" approach, in addition to more WvW criticism, personal story sound-offs and Orr talk.
- Check out Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- You may also like the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- Shinboy's website is still around too at http://www.plugandplaygaming.com

Monday Oct 01, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 23: Great Expectations
Monday Oct 01, 2012
Monday Oct 01, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 23 for the week of September 28th Back to something closer to normal, this episode we chat about the recent patch notes and round up our thoughts on the first month of GW2. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Aterangelus & Thurbleton Run time: 3:39:58 Topics for the week:
- Cynic and noob endorse goodreads.com, Dourin checked out RE6 and more in the first 40 mins of off-topic discussion.
- We talk about the relatively disinteresting patch notes in news this week.
- The main discussion kicks off - GW2 has been out for a month, has it met expectations? Where does the game need improvement?
- Topics include the holy trinity, WuvWuv, class balance, custom matches in sPvP, guild management plus a mess of others.

Monday Sep 24, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 22: No0b0rAmA Quickie
Monday Sep 24, 2012
Monday Sep 24, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 22 for the week of September 22nd A bunch of us are busy this week, so No0b ropes together a rag-tag crew to cover this week's news before letting it devolve into utter nonsense. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: No0b0rAmA , selfconfessedcynic & Shinboy630 Run time: 1:14:10 Topics for the week:
- Noob has been to Japan, Cynic loves zero G battles and Shinboy's got the clap...trap.
- Guild Wars 2 is available on Mac - we provide deep insight on this matter, including comparisons and speculation on the up-coming Red Star OS.
- Dungeons have been changed and none of us are too impressed.
- ... And that's about it - oh, MAD SPOILERS in the last 15 mins. Tune out when we start talking about Arah if you haven't seen the explorable paths.
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- Shinboy's website is still around too at http://www.plugandplaygaming.com

Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 21: Six Screwdrivers
Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
Tuesday Sep 18, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 21 for the week of September 16th It's episode 21 and we celebrate by actually somehow staying on topic for almost all of it. Well, everyone except maybe Dourin, but I'll let you decide that for yourself. News abounds with 2 million copies of GW2 sold, a bunch of economic developments and new mystic forge recipes, including the Legendaries discovered. Wrapping up is perhaps our final major dungeon discussion for a while, talking about speedclears with Shinboy. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Shinboy630 & Aterangelus (AKA Rvaan) Run time: 2:49:40 Topics for the week:
- Almost all of us are team brad, Noob sucks for multiple reasons and Cyborg lets Dourin down in the opening 20 mins of off-topic discussion.
- News forms the bulk of the episode as Arenanet announces that over 2 million copies have been sold and new content shall be free.
- It doesn't stop there though as the economics of GW2 are hitting headlines along the mystic forge and some interesting statistics for us to mull over.
- We run out of time for our originally planned discussion so instead chat about speedclearing dungeons in GW2 and how that is looking to develop in the near to far future.
- Finally, I encourage all listeners to pay close attention to Dourin as the episode progresses.
- Check out Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- You may also like the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- Shinboy's website is still around too at http://www.plugandplaygaming.com

Sunday Sep 09, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 20: Storytelling
Sunday Sep 09, 2012
Sunday Sep 09, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 20 for the week of September 7th Oh god this episode is off the rails. We somehow pull it together to spoil lvl35-60 content and run through some more Dungeon stuff, including an in-depth analysis of the storytelling in Dungeons, Lincolncast style. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Chavtheworld & Aterangelus (AKA Rvaan) Run time: 2:45:42 Topics for the week:
- Oh god, it's 45 mins of off-topic this time 'round talking about Microsoft text-to-speech antics and the DAAA.
- We talk about the second and third dungeons of GW2 and our experiences with Explorable Mode.
- Moving to spoiler-territory, we discuss the similarities between each order's personal story lines from lvl35-60 and the implementation of a diamond-style arc for characters.
- Following this we touch on the week's news (oops) and then go into Dungeon Storytelling and whether it's engaging (watch out though, there's a pun-bomb in there somewhere).
- Don't ask me how I derived the above shownotes from the obscenity the podcast turned out to be.
- We're still podcasting live every week on Fridays, 9PM US Eastern time on Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Monday Sep 03, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 19: Heroes of Ascalon
Monday Sep 03, 2012
Monday Sep 03, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 19 for the week of August 31st We're back for our first post-release show in full force, talking about how it all went and spoiling the hell out of level 1-35 content. This includes a bunch of Human personal story stuff, a bit of Charr and a full runthrough of Ascalon Catacombs Story mode (with tips and tricks). Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Bahloo, Zoomyramen Run time: 3:36:45 Topics for the week:
- We troll the audience for 20 mins as usual
- This week in news, Guild Wars 2 came out - and it was a little bit rocky. Also, the ban hammer has come out!
- For main discussion this week we split it into two segments - the personal story from lvl1-35 and an Ascalon Catacombs rundown.
- Oh - and "SPOILERS!".
- We're still podcasting live every week on Fridays, 9PM US Eastern time on Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Monday Aug 20, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 17: Sink or Swim
Monday Aug 20, 2012
Monday Aug 20, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 17 for the week of August 19th 6 days to go. 6 days to go! We spend this ep. chatting about what we've been doing to carry us through these last few breaths before the big plunge, followed by a lengthy discussion about how we think Guild Wars 2 will fare over the next 9 months. Will the game sink or swim? Don't come in expecting a fanboy-fest, we're surprisingly level headed about the entire affair. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Shinboy630, Zoomyramen Run time: 3:27:33 Topics for the week:
- We're still planning on podcasting live every week, Fridays at 9PM US Eastern (unless otherwise stated)
- For the first half hour Dourin explains his many failings, Noob creeps us all the way out, Zoomy's been hanging out with some dude named Wei and Shinboy really likes skull masks.
- This week in news, crazy old Blizzard's at it again, Arenanet is one massive troll and more stress tests!
- We put our speculation hats and boxing gloves on for this week's discussion: "Will Guild Wars 2 be successful?"
- Tune in for our guesses at initial sales figures, what the likely challenges are in the near future and what we expect from the game 9 months down the line.
- We're going to try "Doing it Live" again this Friday, 9PM US Eastern time on Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- Shinboy still has that site at http://www.plugandplaygaming.com

Sunday Aug 12, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 16: Races and Cupcakes
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 16 for the week of August 11th Oh god 2 weeks to go, what are we going to do!? Apparently we've gone mad with power and boredom so we're doing live shows every week! This time round we talk about the 3 back to back stress tests and have another semi-debate-not-really about what race we would recommend to new players. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Rawson Run time: 3:32:40 Topics for the week:
- Announcement! We're podcasting live every week now on Fridays at 9PM US Eastern (unless otherwise stated)
- Dourin talks about how he's going to kick a sponge bob square pants cake's butt, Noob has been "playing" stalker and Rawson likes Mech Warrior Online. Guild wars 2 stuff starts after the normal 20 or so minutes.
- This week in news, 3 stress tests in a row. If you couldn't make it don't worry, you didn't miss too much.
- In our main-discussion segment, we sortof debate "What race would you recommend for someone to start with?"
- We talk about the aesthetics, gameplay, area design and a little lore for each of them in depth but forget we're having a debate till like half way through. Mainly because we really like the first two brought up - find out which by listening!
- We're "Doing it Live" every week now on Fridays, 9PM US Eastern time on Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Monday Aug 06, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 15: Professions and Creepy Anime Dolls
Monday Aug 06, 2012
Monday Aug 06, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 15 for the week of August 3rd This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. Only 3 weeks until the game comes out and we're changing some stuff up on our end to prepare - we have a new producer and are trying out a new segment (The Great Guild Wars 2 Debate), so give us feedback if you like it or hate it. Aside from that, we have some new footage to talk about along with the final stress test and, uno, other stuff. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Dourin , Shinboy630 Run time: 2:59:00 Topics for the week:
- In the first 20 mins, I kindof force Noob to reveal his newly discovered fetish and I think we talk about video games in there somewhere. Maybe.
- For news, we discuss the new footage that you probably shouldn't watch
- Also, the's a final stress test... and it's already over.
- In our trail main-discussion segment (which could come back depending if you like it), we debate "What profession would you recommend for someone to play first?"
- I won't tell you how it ends, so listen in to find out our top 4 and why.
- Check out Dourin's gaming coverage at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- Find out what Shinboy gets up to during the week at http://www.plugandplaygaming.com