
Saturday Dec 22, 2012
A Lincolncast Interview with Josh Foreman (Episode 34)
Saturday Dec 22, 2012
Saturday Dec 22, 2012
Check out this very special episode of The Lincolncast! This week you get to hear our lengthy interview with Josh Foreman, Arenanet environment artist extraordinaire - but it's still kindof a normal episode of The Lincolncast as well. Just with, uno, someone who actually knows what they're talking about. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, Dourin, No0b0rAmA, Thurbleton, Shinboy630 Run time: 2:05:20 Topics:
- We talk to Josh about The Hobbit, Games vs Movies, what he's been playing and (of course), Cosplay.
- GW2 stuff starts at 43 mins (though there's some of it through the beginning too)
- We ask a mess of community questions, and hear about Josh's past.
- Want to find out more about the Lion's Arch statue? A mysterious room? Never-before-heard details behind some of the City designs? Tune in!
- Josh's game company, Breath of Life Art Studio. KEEP TRACK OF THEM!
- Josh has a youtube channel where he's been putting up some great stuff - check it out!
- Dear Nintendo, my life is a god damn mess (A feature by Seanbaby)

Monday Dec 17, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 33: Happy Holidays
Monday Dec 17, 2012
Monday Dec 17, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 33 for the week of December 15th In our last normal episode for the year, we chat about The Hobbit, Game of The Year on Giant Bomb, and Wintersday Guild Wars 2 stuff. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, Dourin, No0b0rAmA, Thurbleton Run time: 1:55:09 Topics for the week:
- The Hobbit, Alan Wake, Metro 33, a bunch of books and more in the opening off-topic segment.
- We have a hell of an episode lined up for next week, so that should be awesome!
- That all aside, Wintersday is here! Yaaaaaaaaay!
- Thurbleton talks to us about the wuvwuv and PvP changes too.
- Interview with Josh Foreman, Arenanet Level Artist Coming Next Week!
- Do not visit the Lincolncast facebook page.
- But DO visit the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- Have a happy holiday season!

Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 32: Doom and Dungeons
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 32 for the week of December 8th Thurbleton wrangles another episode together, but this time with a more usual cast. All I can say is that it seems to follow a standard episode format, and Noob is a scaredy-cat. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Thurbleton, Dourin, No0b0rAmA, Shinboy630 Run time: 2:55:42 Topics for the week:
- Scribblenauts, Alan Wake, Starcraft and more in the opening segment
- Arenanet is going to die! The world is burning! The sky is falling! OH GOD.
- Dungeon Stories? Something like that. Shinboy talks a lot in the second half.
- More! (probably)
- Josh Foreman, Arenanet Level Artist Interview Coming Soon!
- Thurb wants you to shop a lot and check out http://qorthos.wordpress.com/ for crafting achievement stuff.
- Do not visit the Lincolncast facebook page.
- But DO visit the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Monday Dec 03, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 31: Thurbality
Monday Dec 03, 2012
Monday Dec 03, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 31 for the week of December 1st Cynic and Dourin are out this week, so Thurbleton takes the reigns in what ends up being a rather normal episode. Huh. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Thurbleton, No0b0rAmA, Aterangelus and JKC Run time: 2:13:16 Topics for the week:
- Persona 4 Golden and more in the opening off-topic segment.
- So a bunch of stuff happened in GW2 - new dungeon, lost shores, etc, and you get some of our reactions now that it's over and done with.
- Legendaries factor in somewhere
- More! (I dunno - listen to find out for yourself)
- Check out Thurb's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/thurbleton
- Do not visit the Lincolncast facebook page.

Monday Nov 26, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 30: Thanksgiving Special
Monday Nov 26, 2012
Monday Nov 26, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 29 for the week of November 15th Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Wait. We don't celebrate thanksgiving in Australia... Well, Dourin isn't here this week and GW2 is in the back of our minds - and probably in the back of yours! So, we recorded a short thanksgiving special for fun.

Friday Nov 16, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 29: Yarr
Friday Nov 16, 2012
Friday Nov 16, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 29 for the week of November 15th This week we record a bit early to get out in front of the new Lost Shores content. Topics include the numerous announcements Arenanet has made, public reactions to Ascended items and our speculation about the new Fractals of the Mists dungeon. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , Dourin , No0b0rAmA , Thurbleton Run time: 2:27:36 Topics for the week:
- Anime, 50 shades of green, SWTOR and more in the first segment.
- New PvP map! It's pretty cool!
- Dungeons get better and The Lost Shores is just ahead.
- New Dungeon!
- ...and Ascended items?!
- Check out Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Do not visit the Lincolncast facebook page.
- Stay tuned for announcements regarding PvP days for Lincoln Force!

Sunday Nov 11, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 28: Karaoke
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 28 for the week of November 10th This week not much happened. Well, other than us releasing a new sister podcast, finding out that George Lucas did/didn't direct the original trilogy, Karaoke taking over the Lincoln Force Mumble and some GW2 news. Shrug. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Dourin , selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Shinboy630 Run time: 1:30:38 Topics for the week:
- Star Wars, The Lord of The Rings, Okami and more in the first segment.
- In GW2 news, free trials are inbound!
- Dourin got the name El Fuego!
- Legendaries aren't going to be much easier to get. Surprise!
- And finally, Karaoke fridays may be a thing.
- Check out Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- If you like metal, perhaps take a look at Shinboy's side project at http://www.metalarmory.com/

Thursday Nov 08, 2012
The Scotchcast Episode 0: Test
Thursday Nov 08, 2012
Thursday Nov 08, 2012
TESTING TESTING - trying out something new. Welcome to a test episode of The Scotchcast - a Bombcast waiting room podcast. It's what it sounds like - we were bored waiting for the our next hit of bomb-crew fuelled madness and decided to record something to pass the time. Maybe you'll like it? I don't know. Music: "Giant Bombstep: Reloaded" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Dourin , selfconfessedcynic , MrWoks, roughneck117 Run time: 2:55:24 Topics for the week:
- Spiders, Planet Side 2, Dust 514, Playstation Vita, Assassins Creed 2: 3 and more?
- Main topic: The Wii-U is coming! (and I - cynic - have a beef with Polygon.com)
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Monday Nov 05, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 27: Rockin
Monday Nov 05, 2012
Monday Nov 05, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 27 for the week of November 4th An interesting episode this week as Shinboy regales us with tales of Hurricane Sandy, almost everyone else weighs in on Dishonoured and Assassins Creed and at some point we talk about Guild Wars 2. Specifically, news revolves around Arenanet's response to the disaster, the new content patch coming out soon and speculation as to how that will continue forward. Music: Intro: "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by The Scorpions and "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Dourin , selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA , Aterangelus , Shinboy630 & Thurbleton Run time: 2:49:45 Topics for the week:
- Looks like we're forming a pattern. The first half or so (1:15) is non-Guild Wars 2 related. Deal with it.
- Arenanet does something nice-ish for those effected by Hurricane Sandy.
- Beached Whales are apparently signs of something good to come.
- What would we like to see going forward?
- Check out Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- On and Thurbleton has stuff goin' on at http://www.twitch.tv/Thurbleton
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- Please consider donating to the Red Cross! They do good work!

Monday Oct 29, 2012
The Lincolncast Episode 26: Half and Half
Monday Oct 29, 2012
Monday Oct 29, 2012
The Lincolncast, Episode 26 for the week of October 27th Hey, we're back from a short hiatus with a whole lot to talk about. Well, not too much about GW2 apparently - Halloween, that happened! - but if you want to hear us talk about 3D Dredd, Paranormal Activity 4 and Valkyria Chronicles vs XCOM, this is the spot. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: No0b0rAmA , Dourin , selfconfessedcynic & Thurbleton Run time: 2:15:43 Topics for the week:
- The episode title is a hint - for the first hour and a quarter we chat about everything not GW2.
- This week's news and discussion revolves around mouse-breaking Halloween celebrations and a leap forward in Arenanet support.
- Check out Dourin's gaming channel at http://www.twitch.tv/Dourin
- On and Thurbleton has stuff goin' on at http://www.twitch.tv/Thurbleton
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/