
Tuesday May 28, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 46: Fun Run
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Tuesday May 28, 2013
(Recorded May 25th) In a strange return to form, we actually discuss some Guild Wars 2 this week. Tune in for Southsun coverage, and probably more? Music: "Super Adventure Box: Main Theme" by Maclaine Diemer & Leif Chappelle Featured Members: Thurbleton, selfconfessedcynic, loopymonkey Run time: 01:21:29 Topics for the week:
- It's really cold in Australia
- Southsun is a thing - not all of us are impressed, but there you go
- Wuvwuv changes!
- Anet has had a price cut
- ... and more!
- DNIEPR - Left 4 Dead 2 Campaign
- Check out the The Untitled Giant Bomb Movies Podcast (Premium Subs Only)

Wednesday May 22, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 5.5: Xbox One, Huh? Sigh.
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Wednesday May 22, 2013
The XBOX One / XONE / Xbone has been announced - and the event pretty much spoke for itself. But, goddamn it, we end up talking about it for 2 hours anyway. Not that there was anything worth talking about... Well, more of that in the show. Music: "Narumi Detective Agency" by ATLUSxP5 Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, Dourin, Thurbleton Run time: 02:02:20 Enjoy! Also, feel free to leave some criticism or feedback - TheLincolncast@gmail.com or @TheLincolncast on Twitter

Sunday May 19, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 5: Xbox Speculation Special
Sunday May 19, 2013
Sunday May 19, 2013
The second contender for the Next Generation of Gaming is stepping up to the plate in 2 days, and we're here to throw down the towel in a speculation spectacular. BUT FIRST we hit up everything we've been playing in the mean time, because by god have we been playing a lot. Tune in to hear about Metro Last Light, Steam Trading Cards, Playstation Plus and more - with the XBOX segment starting at 2:28:18. Music: "Narumi Detective Agency" by ATLUSxP5 Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, Dourin, Thurbleton, No0b0rAmA Run time: 3:46:54 Plugs!
- Brandon Sanderson has a great new book out - The Rithmatist, and the latest entry in The Lost Fleet was also recently released, Guardian.
- Visit the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/
- Oh, and Thurb recommends the Buzzfeed youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/BuzzFeedVideo

Monday May 13, 2013
The Adventure of Josh Foreman (Lincolncast Episode 45)
Monday May 13, 2013
Monday May 13, 2013
(Recorded May 10th) Another journey of ultimate challenge to the fantasy world of Hyrule. What? Josh Foreman joins us once more for a peek into the development process for Super Adventure Box and things yet to come! (Guild Wars 2 stuff starts at 21:30) Music: "Super Adventure Box: Main Theme" by Maclaine Diemer & Leif Chappelle Featured Members: Thurbleton, selfconfessedcynic, Dourin, Shinboy630, No0b0rAmA Run time: 2:15:03 Topics for the week:
- (Guild Wars 2 stuff happens at around 0:21:30)
- We open with what Josh has been playing, including Skyrim, Bioshock 1, Fez, Mark of the Ninja and more.
- Questions open with a detailed look into the development process for Super Adventure Box
- A development timeline - how long these things actually take
- Holy cow, part 2 sounds really cool!
- Why oldschool graphics don't come easy
- Thoughts on small content updates vs large content updates
- Reward systems - the positives and negatives
- How to integrate new content with live content
- ... and a whole bunch more!
- Check out Josh's latest side projects at scrybe.deviantart.com
- Shinboy has his review for Blood Dragon up on plugandplaygaming.com
- Playstation Plus is hella awesome! (and EU guys can still get Thomas Was Alone and Catherine for free!)
- Don't click these three links: One , Two , Three .
- Check out our twitch streams at twitch.tv/shinboy630 , /dourin and /thurbleton
- Visit the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Tuesday May 07, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 44: Voyeurism
Tuesday May 07, 2013
Tuesday May 07, 2013
(Recorded May 4th) In this episode we return to our original format with a plain old Lincolncast - so Guild Wars 2 stuff starts about at about 1:03h. We open with talking about Iron Man 3, Thomas Was Alone, Neverwinter and more in our usual off-topic section - oh, and Nooborama has actually read some non-fiction this week! Anyway, we eventually discuss our thoughts on the recent big patch, including dungeon reactions from Thurbleton, guild puzzle experiences and some pretty up-beat discussion about spectator mode and custom arenas from myself and Dourin. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: Thurbleton, selfconfessedcynic, Dourin & No0b0rAmA Run time: 2:05:55 Topics for the week:
- (Guild Wars 2 stuff happens at around 1:03h)
- We open in our old format with what we've been playing, including Thomas Was Alone, Neverwinter and CS GO
- Movies and Books obviously also get mentioned, so Pygmy is discussed along with Iron Man 3
- Guild Wars 2 discussion revolves around the latest patch this week
- The new dungeon seems fine?
- Spectator mode works. In fact, it works well.
- Custom Arenas are kinda cool, but with definite caveats.
- Stay tuned for our SECOND Josh Foreman interview coming next week!
- Check out Catherine and Thomas Was Alone (especially for EU Playstation Plus members since they're free)
- Pygmy is a cool book, and Game Dev Tycoon is a cool game too!
- Visit the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Sunday Apr 28, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 43: Nostalgic Dissonance
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
Sunday Apr 28, 2013
The Lincolncast, Episode 43 for the week of April 27th If you were surprised last time, I bet you didn't expect us to have all played GW2 for a second show running. We're here in force this week to discuss the major end-of-April patch recently outlined by Arenanet along with some final thoughts on the Super Adventure Box and Flame and Frost. But that isn't the whole show - things have been moving in gaming in general so we're doing another half-and-half episode, with a pseudo-Scotchcast taking up the second part of the show. Tune in to find out our thoughts on the next Xbox announcement-announcement and Nintendo's drastic new plans for E3. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance & "Narumi Detective Agency" by ATLUSxP5 Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, No0b0rAmA, Dourin, Thurbleton & shinboy630 Run time: 2:56:08 Topics for the week:
- (Scotchcast half starts at 1:45:30)
- We open with GW2 talk this week once more, starting with discussion about what we know of the new dungeon
- Custom Arenas sound awesome!
- Spectator mode draws out some reactions from myself and Shinboy - for perhaps the wrong reasons
- Super Adventure Box is about to go away, and we get in some last impressions
- For the Scotchcast half we discuss the next Xbox which shall be announced on May 21st
- Oh, and Nintendo is taking a very odd approach to E3 which has some of us concerned.
- All that and and more in this week's show, including what we've been playing
- Stay tuned for our SECOND Josh Foreman interview coming soon!
- Our forums are at tinyurl.com/thelincolncast
- Check out our twitch streams at twitch.tv/shinboy630 , /dourin and /thurbleton
- tumblr.com/tagged/bioshaq (of course)

Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 4: Perspectives
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
Tuesday Apr 16, 2013
In this week's off-topic show we don't really have any news to talk about and none of us have played a game which came out this week! BUT thankfully that doesn't mean we have nothing to talk about. Listen in for some video game music reminiscence, Gary's Mod madness, Guild Wars 2 vs Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate and Uncharted 3 (once a wild Shinboy makes an appearance). Finally - well, near the end anyway - we have an extended discussion regarding my recent experiences with Half Life 2 and how I think it holds up in today's video game space with some interesting comparisons to Portal. Music: "Narumi Detective Agency" by ATLUSxP5 Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, Thurbleton, No0b0rAmA, Squiddle, Shinboy630 Run time: 2:24:46 Plugs!
- Thurbs recommends http://www.youtube.com/zefrank for interesting wildlife videos
- Karaoke night!! http://www.giantbomb.com/guild-wars-2/3030-21223/forums/official-guild-karaoke-night-thread-577306/
- Shinboy did a Bioshock Infinite review at plugandplaygaming.com and streams at twitch.tv/shinboy630
- Visit the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 42: Back to Guild Wars 2
Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
Tuesday Apr 09, 2013
The Lincolncast, Episode 42 for the week of April 6th In near-unprecedented fashion, we have ALL played Guild Wars 2 this week and have a bunch to say about it. Tune in for talk about the March patch, including some sPvP impressions, a recent romp through the Flame and Frost living story stuff and finally - of course - a bunch about the kickass new Super Adventure Box content. AFTER all of that, we hit off-topic with a discussion about numerous games including my closing thoughts on Dark Souls and our final segment on Bioshock Infinite at the end. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, Dourin, No0b0rAmA & Thurbleton Run time: 4:16:46 Topics for the week:
- We OPEN with GW2 talk this week - and quite a bit of it
- I have some choice words to say about my short foray into sPvP this week, and we discuss if GW2's esports attempts will ever pay off
- Noob and I were simply overjoyed at the brevity of the Flame and Frost content... for the wrong reasons
- Thankfully, Super Adventure Box is all the way awesome
- We round out the GW2 discussion this week with a quick roundup about how we think the game is going and what the prospects are for the inevitable expansion
- After 2:20, off-topic fills the rest of this absurdly long show
- Dark Souls isn't quite for me, but Dark Souls 2 for SOME REASON still sounds cool
- Noob is just a bad person - and Thurb was party to some of his nonsense
- Dourin's been playing Star Craft 2 but also some other stuff
- And finally, as Noob heads to sleep, the rest of us engage in a progressively more spoilery (with warnings) discussion of Bioshock Infinite for the last time on this show.
- Shinboy did a Bioshock Infinite review at plugandplaygaming.com
- Visit the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub including their mumble server which Noob pretty much lives on at http://www.giantbomb.com/pc/60-94/pc-gaming-hub-lets-play-games-together/35-554129/

Saturday Mar 30, 2013
Bioshock Infinite Spoilercast
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
Saturday Mar 30, 2013
SPOILERS!! In this bonus episode of the Lincolncast for the week, instead of GDC (where not much happened), Shinboy, Commodore Jenkins and myself (selfconfessedcynic) sit down and discuss the wonderful experience which is Bioshock Infinite. Having just finished the game, we're definitely still feeling the afterglow and have a lot to say.

Wednesday Mar 27, 2013
PAX East Special
Wednesday Mar 27, 2013
Wednesday Mar 27, 2013
Join Shinboy and friends on a recap of PAX East, 2013 (from just after the Giant Bomb panel) - originally broadcast live on his channel. Expect antics, fried chicken talk, and video games (WARNING: don't expect any Guild Wars 2 this episode).