
Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 9: Tangential
Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
Tuesday Jul 30, 2013
It's a pretty dry week so in this off-topic episode we talk about guns, movies (spoiler-free Wolverine and The Conjuring talk), and maybe even some video games. I'm pretty sure we talk about games at SOME point.
- Stay tuned on the Giant Bomb store for Ryan Davis memorial stuff to help out his family (currently pulled due to logistical issues)
- Check out our twitch streams at twitch.tv/dourin and /thurbleton

Tuesday Jul 23, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 51: Upbeat
Tuesday Jul 23, 2013
Tuesday Jul 23, 2013
Almost as if we were making up for lost time, the vast majority of this episode actually involves Guild Wars 2. We temporarily return to our old format of mixing in off topic between GW2 topics, so tune in to hear all our thoughts on Colin's massive "Looking Ahead" post and the various things it touches upon combined with ruminations on Steam Cards, Deus Ex: The Fall, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Torchlight 2, and more.
- The whole episode is pretty much dedicated to Colin's Looking Ahead post.
- We talk about almost everything in it. Seriously.
- What does that mean? Well, changes to PvE, 2 week updates, Achievements, sPvP changes, WvW changes, new skills and traits and more.
- Oh, and I guess I should note that we're generally pretty darn positive about the whole thing.
- We also talk about what we've been playing between major GW2 segments (Steam Cards, Deus Ex: The Fall, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Torchlight 2 and more).
- Stay tuned on the Giant Bomb store for Ryan Davis memorial stuff to help out his family (currently pulled due to logistical issues)
- DO NOT BUY R.I.P.D. The Game.
- Thurbs plugged Wooden Potatoes for some reason (GW2 lore extraordinare). youtube.com/WoodenPotatoes
- The imnotasexist.com domain name totally seems to be free.

Monday Jul 15, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 50!!
Monday Jul 15, 2013
Monday Jul 15, 2013
(GW2 talk runs till 58mins) It's episode 50!! We needed to set the time aside at the top to talk about Ryan Davis (well, I let the others do the talking), but aside from that, we do manage to talk about GW2 a bit in the first half. Mainly it's to do with the cool new updates, announcements about a 2-week new-content cycle, etc. Then we vent about Pacific rim before hitting the meat of the show with that previously-announced special gameshow segment, hosted by Noob.
- We dedicate this episode to Ryan Davis and talk about our feelings on the matter
- GW2 is going to get 2 week updates
- Bazaar is an awesome update.
- Pacific Rim (with minimal spoilers even though we do a spoiler warning)
- The game show! (it's actually ended up both fun and neck-and-neck)
- Stay tuned on the Giant Bomb store for Ryan Davis memorial stuff to help out his family (currently pulled due to logistical issues)
- Go to gaben.tv (the website), just go.
- Check out our twitch streams at twitch.tv/shinboy630 , /dourin and /thurbleton
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub.

Monday Jul 08, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 8: <3
Monday Jul 08, 2013
Monday Jul 08, 2013
... Ah man. I want to write up what happened this ep, but I just don't feel like it. Video games... yeah, we talk about video games.
- RIP Ryan Davis, 1979-2013 http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/ryan-davis-1979-2013/1100-4685/
- Help get Divekick greenlit! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=132842911
- Check out our twitch streams at twitch.tv/shinboy630 , and /thurbleton

Monday Jul 01, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 49: Spoooooky edition
Monday Jul 01, 2013
Monday Jul 01, 2013
(GW2 talk runs for 55mins) This week we're talking about the mass of new changes for the end of June (more on sky pirates, torment, etc). After that we hit up what we've been playing including hilarious L4D2 mods, CoH2, Dead Space OG and much more.
- Episode 50 is coming up soon! (probably the week after next)
- Possibility of raids coming to GW2
- Torment looks preeeetty good, and other balance change stuff
- AoE Looting!
- Custom Arena update
- Noob loves to grind
- Off topic! (starts at ~55m)
- The Liberation Trilogy by Rick Atkinson sounds awesome, as do movie nights on Mondays at The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub.
- gw2lfg.net seems pretty cool for finding dungeon groups.
- The Moon is a fantastic movie and if you're into Double Fine and Brad Muir, you can still help fund Massive Chalice at the slacker portal on their website!
- The Witchney Housten L4D2 mod is hilarious.
- For sciency goodness, the Planetary Resources ARKYD program is pretty cool reading/watching, including cool videos with show-favourite Hank Green!

Thursday Jun 27, 2013
The Last of Us Special
Thursday Jun 27, 2013
Thursday Jun 27, 2013
SPOILERS!! In this bonus episode of the Scotchcast, we discuss The Last of Us in all its excellent glory. We spoil the hell out of it, covering some of the most memorable moments of the game and then sit down and ponder whether it stacks up favourably against Bioshock Infinite.

Sunday Jun 23, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 48: Sea of Ups and Downs
Sunday Jun 23, 2013
Sunday Jun 23, 2013
(GW2 talk continues until 57mins) Trying out another new format this week where we hit all the Guild Wars 2 stuff up front! Firstly, that Sea of Sorrows book is coming out, though I am personally apprehensive about the whole thing. End-of-June updates are the main focus, however, including the new dynamic event scaling system, updates coming to Orr, the custom arena roll-out, Sky Pirates and more! After the 57-min-mark we hit up what we've been playing including Remember Me and The Last of Us before finishing off the show with some thoughts about Microsoft's massive policy changes.
- Sea of Sorrows may or may not continue in the tradition of the other GW2 novels
- Orr is seeing some changes - but the new dynamic event scaling system actually has us excited!
- Fractal News!
- Custom Arenas are finally coming out of Beta!
- The new condition sounds awesome!
- Sky Pirates...!
- After 57 mins, we hit off topic.
- Planet Side 2 and Remember Me both seem cool
- I shout superlatives about The Last of Us
- Mad Max isn't Australian!?
- Xbox 180. I like the new meme and it's SO perfect right now.
- Check out David Perry's Ted Talk about the future of gaming
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub is still a thing.
- If you're into Double Fine, Brad Muir and Kickstarter - Massive Chalice is for you! Check out his awesome pimp video!
- I recommend two youtube videos regarding the Xbox One policy changes, the one by Boogie2988, and the other by Angry Joe
- The GB Community's Video Game Remixed and Remastered Jukebox

Tuesday Jun 18, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 7: E3 Wrapup
Tuesday Jun 18, 2013
Tuesday Jun 18, 2013
This episode we're joined by the wonderful Chavtheworld, a massive call-back to our early Lincolncasts. Aside from that, we're wrapping up our impressions from all the coverage we've absorbed of E3 and cap off the show with what we've been playing (including a spoiler-free discussion of The Last of Us). Music: "Narumi Detective Agency" by ATLUSxP5 Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, No0b0rAmA, Thurbleton, Shinboy630, Chavtheworld Run time: 01:36:29 Plugs!
- Giant Bomb has produced some amazing E3 videos, including The Longest Day (http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/e3-2013-the-longest-day/2300-7604/)
- and the last E3 2013 Bombcast, at: http://www.twitch.tv/giantbomb/b/416674255 (Adam Boyes shows up at around 3:18h or so)
- Our forums are at tinyurl.com/thelincolncast
- Shinboy's website is at plugandplaygaming.com
- Check out our twitch streams at twitch.tv/shinboy630 , and /thurbleton

Wednesday Jun 12, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 6: E3 Day 1
Wednesday Jun 12, 2013
Wednesday Jun 12, 2013
WOW That was some opener to E3. Holy... wow. Here are our reactions as of right after the big Microsoft and Sony press conferences with some additional stuff by yours truly in between to patch up misunderstandings and news revealed on Day 1. Music: "Narumi Detective Agency" by ATLUSxP5 Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic, Dourin, Thurbleton, Shinboy630, Mr Squiddle Run time: 03:13:54 Enjoy! Also, feel free to leave some criticism or feedback - TheLincolncast@gmail.com or @TheLincolncast on Twitter

Sunday Jun 09, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 47: WvW, Templates and E3
Sunday Jun 09, 2013
Sunday Jun 09, 2013
(Recorded June 8th, E3 discussion starts at 2:08:30) Holy cow a lot of stuff is happening this week. In the first half, we chat about the WvW statements released by Anet, Secret of Southsun winding down, Dragon Bash, Shoutcasting PvP and Templates returning, whilst mixing in a healthy amount of off-topic (mainly in the form of the indie games we've been playing). After all of that we talk about the Xbox One's DRM and E3 predictions! Music: "Super Adventure Box: Main Theme" by Maclaine Diemer & Leif Chappelle, "Narumi Detective Agency" by ATLUSxP5 Featured Members: Thurbleton, selfconfessedcynic, No0b0rAmA and Mr Squiddle (aka crusarian) Run time: 03:31:55 Topics for the week:
- SO much to talk about - starting with WvW change hints!
- Thurbs has been playing Kentucky Route Zero, and Noob's been killing fools in Gunpoint
- Secret of Southsun is transitioning out, and Dragon Bash is coming soon
- Squiddle loves Dust: An Elysian Tail and I loooove To The Moon
- Shoutcasting gets some talk - we're generally optimistic? - but mainly TEMPLATES ARE BACK!! YAY!
- E3/etc Discussion starts at 02:08:30
- Xbox One's DRM stuff is complete BS
- We make conference predictions and talk about what games we want to see
- ... but mainly it's a sobering look into what the dark future for gaming might be.
- (here's hoping for E3 to prove us wrong!!)
- Kentucky Route Zero, Gunpoint, Dust: An Elysian Tail, To the Moon & Humble Bundle 8
- If you're into Double Fine, Brad Muir and Kickstarter - Massive Chalice is for you!
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub is still a thing.