
Thursday Oct 03, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 55: Twilight Revelations
Thursday Oct 03, 2013
Thursday Oct 03, 2013
This week we talk about a ton of stuff that is all Guild Wars 2! The Tequatl fight, upcoming update the Twilight Assault, and a lovely discussion about the community's reactions to announcements, complete with a host revelation!
- Giant Bomb Extra Life!!
- http://www.giantbomb.com/forums/general-discussion-30/giantbomb-extralife-team-play-games-raise-money-fo-507340/
- Follow the guys at @ConradKirby , @MrSquiddel & @matt_leslie35 on twitter!

Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 15: Steamathon
Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Tuesday Oct 01, 2013
Another doubleheader this week, so expect a Lincolncast to be published soon after this ep. However, until then you can fill your ear-bellies with our lengthy discussion of Valve's 3 big announcements, especially that crazy looking controller. Aside from that we chat about what we've been playing, including Infinity Blade 3, Pirate Ship Wars and Fire Emblem: Awakening.
- http://spelunkyexplorersclub.com/
- The Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons OST is now available on bandcamp, here; http://overkillsoundtracks.bandcamp.com/album/brothers-a-tale-of-two-sons-official-soundtrack
- http://p-ch.jp/ !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 14: A little late
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
Wednesday Sep 25, 2013
[iOS7 talk goes from 1h23m to 1h40m] In this slightly delayed episode we talk about the Steam announcements before they happened (and were pretty close about it), what we've been playing, a grand 3DS adventure, iOS7, and a summary of what happened at TGS.
- www.superhotgame.com - check it out!
- shipito.com for overseas shipping from USA-only stores.
- Steelheart (by Brandon Sanderson) is most likely an excellent YA Fantasy book. Goodreads Link: www.goodreads.com/book/show/15704458-steelheart

Thursday Sep 19, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 54: Brave New World
Thursday Sep 19, 2013
Thursday Sep 19, 2013
Tune in to check out the second recording done on Friday the 13th, with Thurbs and a rag tag crew of miscreants actually talking about Guild Wars 2 for about an hour and a half. Or at least, they told me that's what happened, but I swear there were mentions of Jean Claude Van Damme in there... or something. I don't know, find out for yourself in the latest episode of The Lincolncast!!
- Giant Bomb Extra Life!!
- http://www.giantbomb.com/forums/general-discussion-30/giantbomb-extralife-team-play-games-raise-money-fo-507340/
- Follow the guys at @ConradKirby , @MrSquiddel & @matt_leslie35 on twitter!

Sunday Sep 15, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 13: Sharing is Caring
Sunday Sep 15, 2013
Sunday Sep 15, 2013
We're making up for last week with two (separate) episodes to be posted this week! First up is a shot of scotch, with us talking about all of the stuff we've been doing in the last two weeks including PAX, Shelter and FINALLY a discussion of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Also on the agenda is the Vita TV and Steam Family Sharing!
- Promise of Blood: The Powdermage Book 1 (by Brian McClellan) is excellent fantasy. Goodreads Link: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15790883-promise-of-blood
- twitch.tv/thurbleton is where you'll find our weekly stream and other video games.
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub.

Wednesday Sep 04, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 12: 2D is the new 3D.
Wednesday Sep 04, 2013
Wednesday Sep 04, 2013
It's been an interesting week in games - although the heaviest of hitters (Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons) has been pushed back, we still have much to talk about. Tune in for us chatting about games, game news, Nintendo and our top games of the year thus far (probably not what you'd expect).
- Submit ideas for top GB lists to our email or twitter (eg. top 10 moments/content/premium content)
- twitch.tv/thurbleton is where you'll find our weekly stream and other video games.
- The Nvidia GTX 660Ti is a totally good bang-for-the-buck card, also Xcom Enemy Unknown is pretty cool 'yo (#LTTP)
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub.

Monday Aug 26, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 53: Wavy Hands
Monday Aug 26, 2013
Monday Aug 26, 2013
(GW2 talk runs till 1h 28mins) This episode is another surprisingly on-topic one where we chat about the rather pleasant recent content update to GW2 and the great new direction Arenanet went with the tone of it. We follow that up with a retrospective/predictions topic regarding storytelling in GW2, where it's been, where it's going and what we'd like to see more of. Finally, we've all been playing a bunch of games and Noob has a bone to pick with Elysium!
- The Closing Ceremony is one of the best additions to GW2 in a while from a story POV.
- We chat about how it worked / didn't work and if we'd like to see more of this.
- We touch upon the other changes in this update briefly before launching into our main topic: Storytelling in GW2
- Should GW2 stay black and white or "go grey"?
- after 1:28h we move on to what we've been watching and playing (including Divekick and more Gone Home, Tales of Xillia and the original Bioshock).
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is coming to Steam and PS3 on September 3rd (pushed back on Steam).
- twitch.tv/thurbleton where you'll find our weekly stream
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 11: Double Dose
Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
Tuesday Aug 20, 2013
Holy Bonus Content, Batman! Everything after 2:40ish is extra material recorded because me and Dourin wanted to talk about Final Fantasy XIV, but before then tune in for a normal episode of the Scotchcast wherein we discuss what we've been watching, reading and playing during possibly the last week of mid-year drought.
- SO MANY DEALS - The Humble Origin Bundle, The Humble Weekly Sale and Game Music Bundle
- Danny O at Gamespot remains awesome, check out Random Encounter on twitch.tv/gamespot
- Check out our twitch streams at twitch.tv/shinboy630 and /thurbleton (the latter is where you'll find our weekly stream)
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub.

Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
The Lincolncast Episode 52: Smooth
Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
Tuesday Aug 13, 2013
(GW2 talk runs till 51mins) Tune in for our surprisingly on-topic first hour where we chat about the recent content update to GW2 in which some trends strongly continue and others are bucked!! We start out quite critical, but in all the Queen's Jubilee seems really cool. Aside from that, Noob has been reading, we've all been playing a bunch of games (including Papers Please and Tales of Xillia) and more!
- The Queen's Jubilee: continuing old trends
- BUT the combat is pretty cool
- PvP changes seem to be good? Probably?
- aaaaand after 51 mins we move on to what we've been playing, watching and reading.
- saltybet.com
- rainwave.cc for awesome streaming music that isn't pandora.
- Cool Books: Army At Dawn by Rick Atkinson and Warbound (part 3 of the Grimnoir Chronicles) by Larry Correia
- Our twitch channels are at twitch.tv/dourin and /thurbleton (the latter is where you'll find our weekly stream)
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2013
The Scotchcast Episode 10: Scattershot
Tuesday Aug 06, 2013
Tuesday Aug 06, 2013
The mid-year dryspell continues so we chat about what old games we've been playing to pass the time including Guild Wars 2, Project Reality, Might and Magic, Saints Row, and more. However, at the end of the show we delve into Bioshock Infinite's new DLC and future plans because they sound incredibly interesting. Of course, that's all sprinkled with a decent dose of off-topic including hauntings, arcade cabinets and 3DS Adventures.
- Project Reality (the Battlefield 2 mod) & Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (on pretty much every platform out there)
- Check out our twitch streams at twitch.tv/shinboy630 and /thurbleton (the latter is where you'll find our weekly stream)
- Stay tuned on the Giant Bomb store for Ryan Davis memorial stuff to help out his family (currently pulled due to logistical issues)