
Wednesday Aug 27, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 35 - Vice City Compiler
Wednesday Aug 27, 2014
Wednesday Aug 27, 2014
A short episode where I sit down with Brad from The Mighty Electronic Box to talk about video games. Covering the recent shake up in Vice City speed running, general banter on making video games, and we talk a bit about the policy changes by twitch.tv and the rise of hitbox.tv, enjoy!
- Bollard streams games at hitbox.tv/bollard
- Try out some of the games from the latest Ludum Dare

Thursday Aug 21, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 34 - Too many things
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
We return from hiatus with a LOT to talk about. Starting off Nooborama spins a tale of his journey through the Forest, Cynic builds a computer, Squiddel can't spell Kirby right, Dourin likes MMO's still, and Thurbleton plays way to many games. Also we talk about Twitch's recent policy change, the meaning of words like Exclusive and Alpha, and Thurbleton realizes how crazy Hideo Kojima really is.
- Like video game documentaries? Try Race to Worlds First
- Check out these awesome case fans.... I guess?
- Want a good PC controller, I use the Afterglow brand

Sunday Jun 29, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 33 - The Super E3 Bros. Super Show
Sunday Jun 29, 2014
Sunday Jun 29, 2014
E3 2014 was a few weeks ago, and the crew has finally swept away enough tears and collected enough thoughts to discuss it all. We go down the whole list of games that we cared about at the show in rapid fire succession, giving a few minutes to each game. Hear what we had to say!
- Team Fortress 2's new CGI video "Expiration Date"
- Go watch Summer Games Done Quick and donate to charity!
- Nintendo is selling $200 Wii U refurbs
- Insomniac taunts Ubisoft with a female Assassin

Saturday Jun 07, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 32 - Roll For Initiative
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Saturday Jun 07, 2014
Cynic joins us once again to see if we can all pass this week's Charisma skill check. In addition to some in-depth tabletop RPG (specifically 13th Age) discussion, Dourin talks about Mario Kart 8, Squiddel doesn't know what The Last Guardian is, and I think something about Godzilla is brought up. Enjoy
- Squiddel wants you to listen to the new Sabaton album.
- Shin wants you to consider spending way too much money to import the Shadow of the Colossus OST from Japan.
- Cynic wants you to check out Scishow Space on YouTube

Tuesday May 27, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 31 - The Cynical Return
Tuesday May 27, 2014
Tuesday May 27, 2014
Dourin and Thurb are joined once again by Self Confessed Cynic with a friend of the host Emi_Rii to round out the show.
- Dourin wants people to try Wildstar!
- Cynic says you to join the Australian Air Force!
- Music Plugs!

Tuesday May 13, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 30 - Daddy Drink
Tuesday May 13, 2014
Tuesday May 13, 2014
After another lengthy hiatus (that "life" continues to be a real bitch), the crew finally reunites. We sit down to talk about how Nintendo "gets away with it", what we saw at PAX, breaking games, and...bubblegum?
- Go play Zues in ArmA III with the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub
- If you "vape", check out the Castle Long Reserve liquid
- Watched the #PRODUCED PAX Panel
- Music Plugs!
- Epica's new "The Quantum Enigma" album
- Tuomas Holopainen's "Music Inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge"
- canyon.mid
- Dourin's strange 90's Summer Jams Pandora station

Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 29 - Shippin' Up to Boston
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
After a good break where this pesky thing called "life" prevented us from getting together, we finally get to talk about some games. The gang discusses an RPG from years ago, an RPG that perhaps *should* have come out a few years ago, internet hospitals, goats, and space. Also, PAX East is approaching!
- SBNation did a great longform article about the Portland Timbers/Seattle Sounders rivalry
- If you manage to run into us at PAX East, say hi!
- Read a map!
- Music Plugs
- Listen to Tyr and get your folk metal on
- Century Child is the best Nightwish album

Thursday Mar 13, 2014
The Lincolncast Episode 63 - Here Be Dragons
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
Thursday Mar 13, 2014
As we sit down to record the podcast for the first time this week after totally not having the recording stop in the middle of our first attempt, we discuss the continuing fight in LA, the final showdown with Scarlet, and what the aftermath means for both the living world and GW2 in general. Enjoy!
- Both Dourin and Thurb are on twitch
- The Idle Thumbs guys did some...interesting things in ArmA
- Music Plugs
- Do you like North Asian Nomadic Folk Metal? OF COURSE YOU DO!
- Or check out Doom metal band In the Company of Serpents

Saturday Mar 01, 2014
The Scotchcast Episode 28 - Titanfall and Friends
Saturday Mar 01, 2014
Saturday Mar 01, 2014
In the 2nd part of our massive 4 hour recording session, we all sit down and discuss Titans, something about monkeys and keyboards, as well as the Surī Dī Esu. Also, Gummy Wurms.
- Shin wrote a blog about going back to FFXII
- Red Version is now done, but Twitch Plays Pokemon powers onward
- Thurbleton's twitch channel
- Josh Foreman shows us how to make a Gummy Wurm

Thursday Feb 27, 2014
The Lincolncast Episode 62 - Blow'd Up
Thursday Feb 27, 2014
Thursday Feb 27, 2014
We have a full crew of five this week as we welcome back Dourin and Selfconfessedcynic! We all sit down to discuss Scarlett attacking LA, the Tengu, silly dragon names, giant sky drills, expansions, and more!
- We recorded this and The Scotchcast back to back this week, so our plugs can be found at the end of that show!