
Friday May 29, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 51 - Season of the Witcher
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
Do you enjoy surviving on a hostile island full of bloodthirsty natives? How about psychological warfare against yourself in an ever shrinking arena with big balls? Still no, ok how about a ton of Witcher 3 talk followed by a post plugs banter of Mad Max: Fury Road? Yes? Lovely! Also we talk a little bit about League of Leg- wait come back!
- Into Game Development - check out Lisa Brown at http://www.twitch.tv/wertle/
- What IF an modern day aircraft carrier was at Pearl Harbor?
- Check out Giant Bomb dot com, and the PC Gaming Hub
- Enjoy watching games more than playing them? LPArchive is for you! or Jessie Cox's YouTube page!
- Want to play LoL with Mitch? Add him at Maradil

Wednesday May 13, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 50 - Dangerous Roads
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Wednesday May 13, 2015
We talk about movies, phones, bad decisions, Mexico and maybe videogames? Its another shot of Scotchcast as ordered is what I'm saying.
- The SONY XBR65X850B seems to be the 4K TV to get (on discount) if you want one and are suitably crazy.
- Don't play League of Legends
- Black Mesa Source is still cool
- Check out giant bomb dot com, with the PC Gaming Hub.
You can leave feedback or follow us on @thelincolncast on twitter and thelincolncast@gmail.com - Rate us on iTunes!

Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 49 and a Half - Robo Cynicborne
Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
Cynic and Thurb take a deep dive into Bloodborne while trying to avoid spoilers, then we cover a few other topics. Apologies for the low quality, blame Cynic.
- Check out the Titan Souls Soundtrack (and demo)!
- "I Kill Giants" is a great graphic novel
- "The Shadow of What was Lost" by James Islington is a great real time epic
- "Fear the Sky" trilogy by Stephen Moss

Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 49 - Hotline Konami
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Tuesday Mar 24, 2015
Cynic and Thurb get all the game talk off the table before Bloodbourne's release. Who would have guessed, there is some Dark Souls talk! First time host Mitch steps up to talk about the new Hotline Miami while Cynic doubles down on Final Fantasy. Thurb has been playing the newest Shelter game - wait, what was the first Shelter game? Lastly news, mainly Kojima news!
- Game Trailers has a DnD campaign going and is pretty entertaining to watch & listen to!
- Mitch suggests the book series called "The Keys to the Kingdom"
- Jane Ng redid her GDC talk about the "Art of Firewatch" for youtube - check it out!
- Ground Kontrol put up a step by step of how they hacked a Donkey Kong cabinet ROM

Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 48 - Mohun-GDC-UK Mashup
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
In this largely unplanned infusion of the Scotchcast you're going to get a rare and pleasant shot of British in your drinks thanks to special guest Bollard who joins us to talk about MoHun (Monster Hunter for the uninitiated), GDC (mainly VR) and... stuff!
- The Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run is happening!!
- Cereal Killers is a fantastic documentary you should definitely watch
- Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes is a book I forgot I plugged last week so plugged again

Saturday Feb 21, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 47 - Take a Chance
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
Is The Order 1886 really that bad? Is FFXIII worth your time? Can Cynic sneak in the longest plug ever aired on a podcast? Find out on this new episode, where we stay surprisingly on-topic, at least for most of the time.
- Selma is a movie you'll never forget
- Watch Fathead, it's a really informative documentary
- Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes is a book well worth your time

Saturday Feb 21, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 46 - Reality
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
In this late-to-air episode, we chat about Squiddel's dark past, Cynic and Noob's dark present and the world's dark future. Listen in for some great book recommendations, harrowing stories and a lengthy discussion about VR and the future of gaming. Oh, and we definitely earn our explicit tag this episode - fair warning!
- Check out giant bomb dot com, with the PC Gaming Hub
- Read "Red Rising" by Pierce Brown and "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline
- Don't let the inevitable dystopian future rise without a fight!

Saturday Feb 21, 2015
The Lincolncast Episode 64 - Better Late Than Never
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
This is the long-lost episode surrounding our reactions to the announcement of the GW2 Expansion - it's shonky as all hell and the audio quality isn't great either, but after some hell and high water, it's finally out there.
- PAX South is pretty cool
- The Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub
- twitch.tv/guildwars2
- Music Plugs
- The album Cybion by Kalisia
- The album Act II by Protomen

Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 45 - Looking Ahead
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015
2015 has begun and we start off the year with a bit of Cynic's story time during his recent journey to India, go over a few games we've played, and finally we go deep into games yet to be out. What we'd like to see with the new games getting the most out of the power of new consoles, woes with the mobile side of gaming, and rounding out with talking about a few choice titles we are keeping our eyes on for 2015.
- Check out giant bomb dot com, with the PC Gaming Hub
- Cynic suggests the "Off to Be the Wizard" by Scott Meyer
- Squiddel enjoyes a cool and refreshing Victory Golden Monkey
- Check out twitch's Game Development channel

Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 44 - GOTY - I had my demon baby
Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
2014 is done and gone, but the question of what are everyone's favorite games of the year? What about the Scotchcast fabled Top 3 Games of the Year? Maybe you just want to know why there is dumb music playing in the background. All these and more in the Scotchcast's thrilling conclusion of 2014... like two weeks late. Blame Thurbleton...
Also spoilers on Dragon Age: Inquisition, Transistor, Banner Saga, and Roundabout!
- Check out giant bomb dot com, with the PC Gaming Hub
- Music plug - Luftrausers OST