
Friday Sep 18, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 60 - Nintendo Love
Friday Sep 18, 2015
Friday Sep 18, 2015
Sorry for the delay folks, but we recorded this ep last week. Herein we talk about what we've been doing that isn't Metal Gear, which encompasses some Mario Maker love, the recent Apple news, various movies, books and other fun stuff. Also, Pokemon GO is a thing? Anyway, after that aside we get into the meat of it in our Play Metal Gear With Us segment and chat about everything all the way up to Mission 22.
- This IGN article is ultra useful in unlocking the 2nd ending of MGSV; http://au.ign.com/wikis/metal-gear-solid-5-the-phantom-pain/Postgame_Missions
- In The Loop and The Thick of It are awesome series' you should really watch
- Giant Bomb Premium is awesome - especially the Until Dawn and Metal Gear Scanlon V!
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub
- You could read Hitler's Empire if you want. Noob likes it anyway.

Sunday Sep 06, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 59 - FrankenEp
Sunday Sep 06, 2015
Sunday Sep 06, 2015
This week is a unique little snowflake as we frankenstein three separate recordings into an episode to bring you a whole lot of... well, us talking into microphones. Listen in to hear about Thurbleton's PAX experience, what Dourin and Squids have been up to, Noob's thoughts on Guild Wars 2 and Augmenting Preorders and finally a solid hour and a half of Metal Gear Solid V spoiler discussion (up to Mission 12).
- Squiddel's Musical Plug this week is Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards by Glory Hammer
- Diablo 3 has gotten good
- Sublevel Zero is a fantastic indie game
- Want cool Guild Wars 2 discussion? Check out the Guild Gab podcast
- Giant Bomb Premium is awesome - especially the Until Dawn and Metal Gear Scanlon V videos coming up!
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub

Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 58 - Running to the Figueroa
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Tuesday Aug 25, 2015
Thurbleton reappears to stop the reign of terror that was Noob and Cynic shows, and yet we still manage to mention Anime at LEAST once. Oh, and video games are a thing again, so we have some of those to discuss too.
- Find Thurbleton at PAX and say hello! Message @thelincolncast on twitter when at the show or in the area.
- Watch the Polybridge quicklook. Now.
- Inside Out is a pretty great PIXAR movie
- Rick and Morty the TV show is supposedly awesome.
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub

Saturday Aug 08, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 57 - Tsundere
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
Saturday Aug 08, 2015
No one is here to stop is, so we get in a bunch of Anime talk as Cynic marathoned the Visual Novel Fate/Stay Night. Oh, and that Gamescom thing happened too.
- If you want to try out a VN, we recommend the censored version of Fate/Stay Night https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/seriesfaq-fate
- The Anime prequel, Fate/Zero is pretty solid
- Read Salt, Sugar, Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub

Saturday Jul 25, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 56 - Red Light District
Saturday Jul 25, 2015
Saturday Jul 25, 2015
Not an episode for the kids - though we do eventually talk about video games. No0b is back from a whirlwind tour of Europe and gives us a raw rendition of what went down while Cynic exults over the awesomeness that was EVO2015.
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub
- Cynic recommends Let's Plays from the channel Angelarts, youtube.com/user/angelarts/

Thursday Jul 02, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 55 - Many Stories
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Here's that second show for the week we recorded - this one about things that aren't E3! Tune in for some discussion about what we've moved onto now the dust has settled... and some news to boot!

Monday Jun 29, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 54.5 - E3 Post-Post-Show (Dourin Edition)
Monday Jun 29, 2015
Monday Jun 29, 2015
We're crazy people. Ended up recording two shows this week - here's the first one where we polish off the E3 discussion once and for all.

Saturday Jun 20, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 54 - E3 Post-Show
Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Wow, what an E3. We honour one of the best shows of all time with one of the most insane podcasts we've ever recorded. Tune in if you want 6 jam-packed hours full of E3 talk to wrap up this crazy megaton-filled week.
Music: "The Golden Show" and "Lost" by Shoji Meguro
Run Time: 6:15:07
Featured Members: Thurbleton, Squiddel, No0b0rAmA and selfconfessedcynic
You can leave feedback or follow us on @thelincolncast on twitter and thelincolncast@gmail.com - Rate us on iTunes!

Sunday Jun 14, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 53 - E3 Predictions Show
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
It's that time of year again! Tune in for a way-too-long, way-too-extensive E3 prediction preshow - hopefully it tides you over till the next conference! Oh, and we talk about that Oculus thing too.
Music: "The Golden Show" and "Lost" by Shoji Meguro
Run Time: 4:00:47
Featured Members: Dourin, Mageknight, No0b0rAmA and selfconfessedcynic
You can leave feedback or follow us on @thelincolncast on twitter and thelincolncast@gmail.com - Rate us on iTunes!

Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
The Scotchcast Episode 52 - XCOM Fallout Detected
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Tuesday Jun 09, 2015
Squiddel returns to the show to impart purchasing decisions on screens both big and small, while also talking about Grand Theft Auto with No0b0rAmA. Thurb built a shelf and Cynic watched some TV shows. Post break we discuss the announcements of XCOM 2 and Fallout 4 - HYPE! Plans are set and scheming has begun for the big Electronic Triple.
- Fan of History? Try Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
- No0b recommends China's Second Continent by Howard French
- The Steam Summer Sale is imminent... maybe!
- Have US Netflix? Check out the documentaries "I know that voice" and "Stripped"
- Squiddel really wants people to watch the Beverly Hills Cop movies
- Check out the Giant Bomb PC Gaming Hub
- Cynic suggests the Ace Attorney Live Action Movie on Netflix